Sunday, February 10, 2008

Star Trek 2.4 (Mirror Mirror)

Barbara Luna (Lt. Marlena Moreau)
Pete Kellett (Farrell)

Writer: Jerome Bixby

Every now and then there comes an episode from the original series that merits the hype that surrounds it. This is one of those.

The creation of the Mirror universe, with it's differences (some huge, some tiny) is a work of genius, and the imagery from the episode has been lampooned on many occasions (I point you to the episode of South Park where you only know characters are from an alternative, evil universe because of their beards) and even though the story is very simple, it is compelling. Okay, so you know that the changes made to the uniforms and set design are minimal, but they are fasctinating much the same. It is almost a shame that this was not a two parter that featured more of the "evil" versions on "our" Enterprise (not going mad with anger as was shown here) but there are also some cool similarities - the fact that Spock is not as nasty as some of the others in this universe actually makes sense, had it not then the end of the story would have been quite ridiculous.

This was such a huge success that Deep Space Nine revisited this universe on several occasions (some episodes were great, some just plain silly) and even Enterprise went here as a kind of prequel in its final season.

So, all in all, a really enjoyable episode. Loads of crewmembers died, but sadly none of them count as they were in the other universe!

Crew Deaths: 0
Total Crew Deaths So Far: 30
Score: 8/10


Eric D. Wilkinson said...
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Eric D. Wilkinson said...

Bixby was an amazing writer. Even though he passed 10 years ago, he did finish one last script, "The Man From Earth", which is an amazing new movie. You should check it out.

Andrew said...

Thanks, my first comment from someone I don't know. Will check it out, thanks.

Diana Hunt said...

This is my favourite Star Trek episode.

It has everything: great story, action, mystery, life and eath situation and every crew member gets a featured role. Uhura rocks so hard in this ep, it's criminal we didn't get more like it.

And let's face it the mirror Uniforms are very sexy.

BTW thanks for this blog, great idea and resource. I don'ta gree with all your reviews, but they are interesting nonetheless.

Di in Australia